Tabla de contenido:
- Mascarillas capilares eficaces para el tratamiento de la caída del cabello
- 1. Mascarilla de huevo para el cabello
- Cómo hacer una mascarilla de huevo para tu cabello
- 2. Mascarilla para el cabello de plátano
- Cómo hacer una mascarilla de plátano para la caída del cabello en casa
- 3. Mascarilla capilar de yogur
- Cómo hacer una mascarilla capilar de yogur
- 4. Mascarilla capilar de aguacate
- How To Make An Avocado Hair Mask At Home
- 5. Strawberry Hair Mask
- How To Make A Strawberry Hair Mask For Hair Growth
- 6. Curry Leaves And Coconut Oil Hair Mask
- How To Make A Curry Leaves Hair Mask Using Coconut Oil
- 7. Castor Oil Hair Mask
- How To Make A Castor Oil Hair Mask
- 8. Rosemary Hair Mask
- How To Make A Rosemary Hair Mask
- 9. Green Tea Hair Mask
- How To Make AGreen Tea Hair Mask For Hair Loss
- 10. Vitamin E Capsules Hair Pack
- How To Make Vitamin E Capsules Hair Mask
- 11. Cinnamon Mask
- How To Make A Cinnamon Hair Mask At Home
- 12. Lemon, Cream, And Wheat Germ Oil Hair Mask
- How To Make A Lemon Hair Mask At Home
- Hair Masks For Different Hair Types
- 13. Hair Mask For Dry Hair
- How To Make A Hair Mask For Dry Hair
- 14. Hair Mask For Normal Hair
- How To Make A Hair Mask For Normal Hair
- 15. Hair Mask For Oily Hair
- How To Make A Hair Mask For Oily Hair
- Simple Tips To Help You Maximize The Benefits Of Hair Masks
- 19 fuentes
La caída del cabello es una gran preocupación para muchas mujeres en todo el mundo, y si usted es una de ellas, debe saber que existen muchos tratamientos que pueden ayudarla a lidiar con este problema.
El único problema es que no todo el mundo tiene tiempo suficiente para visitar el salón para recibir uno de estos tratamientos. Con su apretada agenda, tomarse un tiempo para tratar su cabello puede ser una molestia. Sin embargo, existen varias opciones. Una forma eficaz e inteligente de prevenir y detener la caída del cabello de forma permanente es probar unas mascarillas capilares caseras.
Hemos elaborado una lista de tratamientos naturales que puedes probar con ingredientes de tu cocina. Echar un vistazo.
Mascarillas capilares eficaces para el tratamiento de la caída del cabello
1. Mascarilla de huevo para el cabello
Los huevos están llenos de proteínas y vitaminas B (1). Estos nutrientes son buenos para mantener la salud de tu cabello. Funcionan bien con todo tipo de cabello y proporcionan una buena nutrición para tu cabello. Un estudio mostró que la yema de huevo podría estimular el crecimiento del cabello en las células de la papila dérmica (2). Esta es una de las mascarillas capilares caseras más efectivas para el crecimiento del cabello.
Cómo hacer una mascarilla de huevo para tu cabello
- 1 huevo
- 1 taza de leche
- 2 cucharadas de jugo de limón
- 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
- Batir el huevo y mezclarlo con los demás ingredientes.
- Aplica la mezcla en tu cabello y cuero cabelludo.
- Cubre tu cabello con un gorro de ducha y deja que la mezcla se asiente en tu cabello durante 20 minutos.
- Lávelo con agua fría.
Alternativamente, también puede usar solo huevos siguiendo estos pasos:
- Batir unos huevos hasta que la yema y la clara estén bien mezcladas.
- Masajea tu cabello y cuero cabelludo.
- Déjelo actuar de 15 a 20 minutos.
- Enjuague con agua tibia.
Beneficios de la mascarilla de huevo
- Rica en proteínas y aminoácidos que nutren el cabello
- Agrega brillo
- Reduce la caída del cabello
- Fomenta el crecimiento del cabello
2. Mascarilla para el cabello de plátano
Los plátanos son ricos en potasio, antioxidantes, aceites naturales y vitaminas, lo que los convierte en un tratamiento ideal para la caída del cabello (3). Se encuentran durante todo el año y son una increíble mascarilla para la caída del cabello. Trate su cabello con una mascarilla de plátano siguiendo una de estas recetas.
Cómo hacer una mascarilla de plátano para la caída del cabello en casa
- 2 plátanos maduros
- 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva
- 1 cucharada de aceite de coco
- 1 cucharada de miel
- Mezcle todos los ingredientes en un bol hasta obtener una consistencia suave.
- Aplica la mezcla en tu cuero cabelludo y cabello hasta cubrir todo.
- Déjalo reposar durante cinco minutos.
- Lavar con agua tibia
Aquí hay otra receta de mascarilla para el cabello que incorpora plátanos y aceite de almendras.
- Tome un par de plátanos y tritúrelos hasta obtener una pasta suave.
- Agregue de 5 a 8 gotas de aceite de almendras a esta pasta.
- Aplícalo en tu cabello. Átese el cabello y cúbralo con un gorro de ducha durante una hora.
- Enjuague con agua fría y luego use un champú suave. Continúe con mucho acondicionador.
Beneficios de la mascarilla capilar de plátano
- Hace brillar tu cabello
- Suaviza tu cabello
- Reduce la caspa
- Reduce el daño
- Hidrata tu cabello
3. Mascarilla capilar de yogur
Un estudio mostró que el yogur podría ayudar a preservar las terminaciones del cabello y reducir el daño del cabello y la calvicie (4). El mismo estudio mostró que el yogur realza el color del cabello y actúa como acondicionador del cabello. Otro estudio mostró que el yogur mantiene el cabello en la fase anágena por más tiempo y le da un pelaje brillante (5).
Cómo hacer una mascarilla capilar de yogur
- 1 taza de yogur
- 1 cucharada de vinagre de manzana
- 1 cucharada de miel
- Mezclar los ingredientes en un bol.
- Aplica la mezcla desde la raíz hasta las puntas de tu cabello.
- Déjelo encendido durante 15 minutos y luego lávelo con agua fría.
Beneficios de la mascarilla capilar de yogur
- Hidrata el cabello
- Nutre el cabello
- Aumenta la fuerza y reduce la rotura
4. Mascarilla capilar de aguacate
Avocado is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B, niacin, iron, and vitamin C, all of which are needed for hair growth and healthy hair (6), (7). Apply the avocado mask once or twice a week to improve the texture and sheen of your hair.
How To Make An Avocado Hair Mask At Home
- 1 small ripe avocado
- 1/2 cup of milk
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of almond oil
- Blend the ingredients until the mixture develops a smooth consistency.
- Apply the mask from the roots to the tips of the hair.
- Keep it on for 15 minutes and then wash with cold water.
Benefits Of Avocado Hair Mask
- Reduces splits and breakage
- Moisturizes hair
- Reduces frizz
5. Strawberry Hair Mask
Strawberries contain antioxidants, which reduce the free radicals that cause hair loss (8). They also are good sources of vitamin C, the deficiency of which can cause hair loss (9).
How To Make A Strawberry Hair Mask For Hair Growth
- 3-4 fresh strawberries
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon of honey-almond
- Blend all the ingredients until you get a mixture that has a smooth consistency.
- Apply the mask on your scalp and from the roots to the tips of your hair.
- Use cold water to rinse it off after 20 minutes.
Benefits Of Strawberry Hair Mask
- Battles oiliness
- Unclogs pores
- Strengthens hair
- Reduces hair fall
6. Curry Leaves And Coconut Oil Hair Mask
Curry leaves are a popular remedy to stimulate hair growth (10). They also help retain the natural hair color and prevent premature graying of hair (11). The penetrative properties of coconut oil and its fatty acid content reduce protein loss from hair (12). This mask can help tackle thinning hair. Use it twice a week for best results.
How To Make A Curry Leaves Hair Mask Using Coconut Oil
- 10-12 fresh curry leaves
- 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
- Heat the curry leaves in the coconut oil until they pop.
- Wait until the oil has come down to a warm temperature. Apply it to your scalp and hair.
- Keep it on for 20 minutes and then rinse off with a shampoo.
Benefits Of Curry Leaves And Coconut Oil Hair Mask
- Reduces hair fall
- Moisturizes hair
- Nourishes hair
7. Castor Oil Hair Mask
Castor oil is rich in proteins. A study showed that castor could help reduce split ends, hair damage, and dandruff (4). Anecdotal evidence suggests that castor oil also increases hair thickness and length, although there is not much research to prove it.
How To Make A Castor Oil Hair Mask
- 2 tablespoons of castor oil
- 2 tablespoons of brandy
- 1 egg
- Mix all the ingredients.
- Massage the mixture onto your scalp and hair.
- Let it sit for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.
Benefits Of Castor Oil Hair Mask
- Reduces frizz
- Encourages hair regrowth
- Prevents graying
8. Rosemary Hair Mask
How To Make A Rosemary Hair Mask
- 2-3 tablespoons of well-chopped rosemary
- 1 cup of water
- Boil chopped rosemary in a cup of water for a few minutes.
- Strain the liquid and let it cool.
- After it has cooled, massage the liquid into your scalp.
- Let it stay for 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
Benefits Of Rosemary Hair Mask
- Encourages hair regrowth
- Strengthens the follicles
- Fights off free radicals
9. Green Tea Hair Mask
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and contains EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) that can stimulate hair growth (14).
How To Make AGreen Tea Hair Mask For Hair Loss
- 1 egg yolk
- 2 tablespoons of green tea
- Mix the ingredients until the mixture acquires a creamy texture.
- Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp using an applying brush.
- Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Wash it off with cold water before shampooing.
Benefits Of Green Tea Hair Mask
- Proteins nourish the hair and scalp
- Reduces hair loss
- Antioxidants fight off free radicals
10. Vitamin E Capsules Hair Pack
Vitamin E oil is also rich in antioxidants, which helps in anti-aging and reduces oxidative stress that causes hair loss (7). Vitamin E contains tocopherol, which was shown to induce hair growth (15). It has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that encourage healthy scalp health and reduce hair fall. This mask can be used thrice a week.
How To Make Vitamin E Capsules Hair Mask
- 2 vitamin E capsules
- 1 tablespoon of almond oil
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon of castor oil
- A few drops of lavender essential oil
- Combine all the ingredients. You can use bigger proportions and store the mix in a jar.
- Apply the oil blend all over your hair.
- Let it stay overnight and wash it off with shampoo and cold water the next morning.
Benefits Of Vitamin E Hair Pack
- Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties keep the scalp healthy
- Antioxidants battle free radicals
- Strengthens roots
- Reduces hair fall
11. Cinnamon Mask
How To Make A Cinnamon Hair Mask At Home
- Honey
- Cinnamon
- Hair balsam
- Mix the raw honey and cinnamon by eyeballing the quantities, depending on the length and thickness of your hair.
- Add the hair balsam to the mixture.
- Apply the mixture to damp hair, one section at a time, with an applying brush. Do not apply this mixture to your scalp. Keep it from getting on your face. (It is easier to use your hands for application, but this is messy.)
- Put your hair up in a bun and cover it with a plastic bag until it dries.
- Rinse multiple times with water until the cinnamon gets out of your hair.
- Finish with shampoo and conditioner
Benefits Of Cinnamon Hair Mask
- Improves blood circulation
- Antifungal and antibacterial properties keep the hair and scalp healthy and free from infection.
12. Lemon, Cream, And Wheat Germ Oil Hair Mask
Lemon is perfect for cleansing your follicles and hair and getting rid of dirt and product build-up. Sour cream works like yogurt, as a hair conditioner. Wheat germ has a high content of linoleic acid and is hence used as an ingredient in shampoos (17). It can help restore dry, damaged hair and improve strength and shine (18).
How To Make A Lemon Hair Mask At Home
- 2 lemons
- 1/4 cup of sour cream
- 1/4 cup of wheat germ oil
- Extract the juice from the lemons and mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
- Apply the mixture from the roots to the tips of your hair and leave it on for half an hour.
- Rinse it off with lukewarm water followed by shampoo and conditioner.
Benefits Of Lemon, Cream And Wheat Germ Oil Hair Mask
- Unclogs pores
- Removes product and dirt build-up
- Strengthens roots
Hair Masks For Different Hair Types
13. Hair Mask For Dry Hair
Research shows that honey can reduce severe dandruff and chronic seborrheic dermatitis (19). Almonds can help prevent split ends and reduce hair damage and hair loss (4). This mask can help reduce dandruff and scalp acne.
How To Make A Hair Mask For Dry Hair
- 4 tablespoons of honey
- 1 teaspoon of almond paste (4 skinned almonds blended with 1/2 tablespoon rosewater)
- 2 tablespoons of cream
- Mix the honey and almond paste in a mixing bowl.
- Beat the cream until it is slightly fluffy and then add it to the honey-almond mixture.
- Apply the mask to your hair, from the roots to the tips. Keep it on for at least 30 minutes.
- Rinse your hair thoroughly with cold water. Finish with a mild shampoo and let your hair air-dry.
Note: You can substitute the cream with yogurt, although the results will slightly vary.
Benefits Of This Homemade Hair Mask For Dry Hair
- Moisturizes hair
- Soothes the scalp
- Encourages healthy hair growth
14. Hair Mask For Normal Hair
This is possibly one of the easiest masks to make, and it lasts for up to a week if stored in the refrigerator. The lemon juice cleanses the scalp. The almond oil and honey moisturize the scalp and reduce dandruff. This mask aims to replenish the lost nutrition and health of the hair. It also restores its softness and luster.
How To Make A Hair Mask For Normal Hair
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon of almond oil
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 4 tablespoons of flat beer
- Separate the yolk from the white and mix it with the other ingredients.
- Apply this mixture to your scalp.
- Add four tablespoons of flat beer to the white of the egg. Beat it until fluffy.
- Apply this mixture all over your hair from the roots to the tips.
- Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the mixture sit in your hair for 30-40 minutes.
- Wash it off using a good shampoo and let your hair air-dry.
Benefits Of This Homemade Hair Mask For Normal Hair
- Makes hair silky and voluminous
- Adds shine
- Nourishes hair
- Improves the health of the scalp
15. Hair Mask For Oily Hair
A lot of people are afraid to use a hair mask for oily hair because they fear that it might become oilier. The idea behind a mask for oily hair is to find one that controls and reduces the secretion of oil and yet does not take away nutrition from your hair. This hair mask is specially made for oily hair.
How To Make A Hair Mask For Oily Hair
- 1 tablespoon of water
- 1 large pinch of fruit salt
- The paste of 2 amlas
- 1 egg white
- Beat the egg white until it is fluffy and add the other ingredients to it.
- Apply the mixture to your hair.
- Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and rinse it off to make sure there’s no residue.
- Use a good shampoo to clean your hair thoroughly and let it air-dry.
Benefits Of This Homemade Hair Mask For Oily Hair
- Removes grease
- Adds volume to the hair
- Unclogs pores and reduces hair fall
- Here are some tips you can follow to reap the maximum benefits of these hair masks.
Simple Tips To Help You Maximize The Benefits Of Hair Masks
- Always apply the mask on shampooed hair. Just like you would apply a face pack to cleansed skin, apply the hair mask to cleansed hair. Clean hair is better equipped to absorb nutrients.
- Make sure you separate your hair into sections and apply the mask from the roots to the tips. Once done, pull your hair into a bun and cover it with a shower cap. The shower cap will create a warm atmosphere, which allows for maximum penetration by the nutrients.
- Tying your hair up in a bun ensures that the mask doesn’t drip.
- Before you wash your hair, cover it with a hot towel for at least 5-7 minutes as this will create a warm environment, allowing your hair to absorb more nutrients. Repeat this process if needed.
- After this, wash your hair with cold or lukewarm water. Unless otherwise specified, use plain water to rinse your hair of the mask and then press it with a towel to remove excess water.
Let your hair air-dry.
Estas son algunas de las mascarillas capilares naturales y efectivas para la caída del cabello que puede utilizar para hacer que su cabello sea hermoso y saludable. ¿Conoces alguna mascarilla capilar natural que frene la caída del cabello? Háganos saber en la sección de comentarios.
19 fuentes
Stylecraze tiene pautas de abastecimiento estrictas y se basa en estudios revisados por pares, instituciones de investigación académica y asociaciones médicas. Evitamos el uso de referencias terciarias. Puede obtener más información sobre cómo nos aseguramos de que nuestro contenido sea preciso y actualizado leyendo nuestra política editorial.- Réhault-Godbert, Sophie et al. "El huevo de oro: valor nutricional, bioactividades y beneficios emergentes para la salud humana". Nutrientes vol. 11,3 684.
- Nakamura, Toshio, et al. “Naturally Occurring Hair Growth Peptide: Water-Soluble Chicken Egg Yolk Peptides Stimulate Hair Growth Through Induction of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Production.” Journal of medicinal food 21.7 (2018): 701-708.
- Kumar, K. P. Sampath, et al. “Traditional and Medicinal Uses of Banana.” Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, ISSN 2278- 4136.
- Zaid, Abdel Naser et al. “Ethnopharmacological survey of home remedies used for treatment of hair and scalp and their methods of preparation in the West Bank-Palestine.” BMC complementary and alternative medicine vol. 17,1 355.
- Levkovich, Tatiana et al. “Probiotic bacteria induce a ‘glow of health’.” PloS one vol. 8,1 (2013): e53867.
- Dreher, Mark L, and Adrienne J Davenport. “Hass avocado composition and potential health effects.” Critical reviews in food science and nutrition vol. 53,7 (2013): 738-50.
- Almohanna, Hind M et al. “The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review.” Dermatology and therapy vol. 9,1 (2019): 51-70.
- Giampieri, Francesca et al. “Strawberry as a health promoter: an evidence based review.” Food & function vol. 6,5 (2015): 1386-98.
- Goluch-Koniuszy, Zuzanna Sabina. “Nutrition of women with hair loss problem during the period of menopause.” Przeglad menopauzalny = Menopause review vol. 15,1 (2016): 56-61.
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