Tabla de contenido:
- ¿Qué es un tratamiento de spa capilar?
- ¿Un tratamiento de spa capilar es bueno para tu cabello?
- Cómo hacer un tratamiento de spa en casa
- 1. Tratamiento de spa con aceite de oliva
- Necesitará
- Tiempo de preparación
- Tiempo de tratamiento
- Método
- ¿Con qué frecuencia?
- 2. Tratamiento de spa con aguacate
- Necesitará
- Tiempo de preparación
- Tiempo de tratamiento
- Método
- ¿Con qué frecuencia?
- 3. Tratamiento de spa con huevos
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 4. Hair Spa Treatment With Bananas
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 5. Milk And Honey Hair Spa Treatment
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 6. Coconut Cream Hair Spa Treatment
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 7. Strawberry Hair Spa Treatment
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 8. Honey Hair Spa Treatment
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 9. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Treatment
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 10. Beer Hair Treatment
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 11. Cucumber Hair Spa Treatment
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 12. Egg And Olive Oil Hair Spa Treatment For Dry Hair
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 13. Henna Hair Spa Treatment For Dandruff
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 14. Aloe Vera Hair Spa Treatment For Oily Hair
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 15. Avocado And Curd Hair Spa Treatment For Damaged Hair
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- 16. Fenugreek Hair Spa Treatment For Dull Hair
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Treatment Time
- Method
- How Often?
- Benefits Of A Hair Spa Treatment
- 1. Deep Conditioning
- 2. Eliminates Dandruff
- 3. Gives You Thick And Healthy Hair
- 4. Prevents Scalp Aging
- 5. Provides Relief From Mental Stress
- 6. Prevents Dull And Frizzy Hair
- 7. Maintains Scalp Health
- 8. Normalizes Oil Secretion
- 9. Removes Impurities
- 10. Nourishes Hair
- 18 fuentes
Es hora de darse un capricho, en casa, donde se sienta más cómodo. La primera imagen que aparece en la mente cuando alguien menciona que se está cuidando es un día entero en el spa. Pero nadie habla realmente de cuánto esfuerzo se necesita para conseguir una cita, ir al spa, perforar un gran agujero en su billetera y luego regresar. ¿No sería mucho más fácil si pudieras llevar el spa a casa? Si, absolutamente.
Antes de ver algunos tratamientos de spa para el cabello efectivos que puede hacer en casa, veamos cómo los tratamientos de spa para el cabello ayudan a su cabello.
¿Qué es un tratamiento de spa capilar?
Un tratamiento de spa capilar se describe como "terapia de renacimiento del cabello", donde su cabello se nutre y acondiciona con ingredientes que ayudan a revertir el daño y mejorar la salud del cabello, dejándolo con un cabello que se siente como si nunca hubiera sufrido ningún tipo de daño. Muchas mujeres optan por este tratamiento para mantener su cabello sano y libre de daños o antes de grandes eventos.
¿Un tratamiento de spa capilar es bueno para tu cabello?
Sí, los tratamientos de spa capilar son buenos para tu cabello. Sin embargo, existen muchos tipos diferentes de tratamientos de spa capilar, y cada uno de ellos incorpora el uso de diferentes ingredientes. Algunos contienen productos químicos, otros son puramente naturales. Si bien los tratamientos químicos pueden reaccionar de manera adversa con el cuero cabelludo o el cabello, los naturales están libres de efectos secundarios. Aquí hay un vistazo a 16 increíbles opciones de tratamientos de spa naturales para el cabello que dejarán tu cabello con una sensación de salud y belleza.
Cómo hacer un tratamiento de spa en casa
1. Tratamiento de spa con aceite de oliva
El aceite de oliva es un excelente acondicionador para el cabello (1). Ayuda a hidratar y reparar tu cabello mientras lo protege del daño. Este tratamiento es apto para todo tipo de cabello.
- 2-3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
- Una olla de agua hervida caliente para vapor.
- Toalla
Tiempo de preparación
2 minutos
Tiempo de tratamiento
30 minutos
- Masajea el aceite de oliva en el cuero cabelludo y aplícalo suavemente hasta las puntas del cabello.
- Vaporiza tu cabello durante unos 10 minutos. Haga esto colocando una olla con tapa de agua caliente sobre la mesa. Inclínate sobre la olla y cubre tu cabello y la olla con una toalla.
- Retire la tapa y deje que el vapor se asiente en su cabello.
- Después de 10 minutos, sumerja la toalla en agua. Exprime el exceso de agua y envuelve tu cabello con la toalla húmeda.
- Espere 15 minutos más.
- Lávate el cabello con un champú suave sin sulfatos.
¿Con qué frecuencia?
2 veces a la semana.
2. Tratamiento de spa con aguacate
El aguacate es rico en ácidos grasos omega-3 y aminoácidos esenciales (2). Estos aminoácidos recubren el tallo del cabello y lo ayudan a retener la humedad y la textura (3). El aguacate también es conocido por rejuvenecer el cabello seco.
- 1 aguacate maduro
- 1 cucharada de miel
- Una olla de agua hervida caliente para vapor.
Tiempo de preparación
5 minutos
Tiempo de tratamiento
30 minutos
- Pelar y deshuesar el aguacate y extraer su pulpa.
- Tritura el aguacate hasta que esté completamente libre de grumos.
- Aplica la mascarilla de aguacate desde la raíz hasta las puntas de tu cabello.
- Vaporiza tu cabello durante unos 10 minutos. Haga esto colocando una olla con tapa de agua caliente sobre la mesa. Inclínate sobre la olla y cubre tu cabello y la olla con una toalla.
- Retire la tapa y deje que el vapor se asiente en su cabello.
- Después de 10 minutos, detenga el tratamiento con vapor y espere otros 20 minutos con la mascarilla puesta.
- Lavar con agua fría o tibia y un champú sin sulfatos.
¿Con qué frecuencia?
Una vez por semana.
3. Tratamiento de spa con huevos
Eggs are great sources of protein (4). Research shows that egg yolk can stimulate hair growth in human dermal cells (5). A simple tip to always remember is to never wash out an egg mask with hot water. Always wash your hair with cold water to keep your hair from smelling “eggy.” This treatment works well for normal hair.
You Will Need
- 1 whole egg
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
2 minutes
Treatment Time
30 minutes
- Whisk the egg and coconut oil in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the egg and coconut oil mask onto your hair.
- Wait for about 20 minutes with the mask in your hair.
- Wash your hair with cool water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
4. Hair Spa Treatment With Bananas
Bananas are a rich source of potassium, natural oils, and vitamins that help improve your hair’s texture and keep it healthy (6). Bananas also contain silica, which is known to protect hair (7). This is an excellent hair treatment for dry and damaged hair.
You Will Need
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
5 minutes
Treatment Time
40 minutes
- Mash the banana in a blender until it is completely free of lumps.
- Add olive oil to the mashed banana and set the mixture aside.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the banana and olive oil mask onto your hair.
- Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes and then proceed to wash your hair with cool water and a mild, sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
1-2 times a week.
5. Milk And Honey Hair Spa Treatment
Honey is an excellent emollient (8). It helps bind moisture to your hair, while milk helps nourish your hair with its proteins. This treatment will leave your hair with a lustrous shine and also help improve your hair’s texture. This is ideal for normal hair.
You Will Need
- 1 cup raw milk
- 1 tablespoon raw honey
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
2 minutes
Treatment Time
25 minutes
- Mix a tablespoon of honey in a cup of milk until it dissolves. Set this mixture aside.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the honey-milk mixture to your hair.
- Work the milk in from the roots of your hair to the tips until all of your hair is completely saturated in the mixture.
- Let this soak your hair for about 15 minutes and then rinse your hair out with lukewarm water and a mild, sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
6. Coconut Cream Hair Spa Treatment
Coconut cream contains coconut oil, which is an abundant source of fatty oils, and vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, C, and E (9). It also contains minerals, such as calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Coconut oil is also known to penetrate the hair shaft and nourish it from within (10). It can also prevent hair damage and damage from UV rays. This treatment is excellent for dry hair.
You Will Need
- ½ cup coconut cream
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
2 minutes
Treatment Time
1 hour and 10 minutes
- Take about half a cup of coconut cream and set it aside for use.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the coconut cream to your hair.
- Leave the cream on for about an hour and then proceed to wash your hair with cool water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
7. Strawberry Hair Spa Treatment
This mask is perfect for anyone who’s experiencing hair fall. Strawberries have antioxidant properties (11). These antioxidant properties reduce oxidative stress, which may cause hair fall. This treatment works well for normal hair.
You Will Need
- 1 cup chopped strawberries
- 1 egg yolk
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
Prep Time
5 minutes
Treatment Time
25 minutes
- Blend the ingredients together until you get a smooth paste. Set this aside.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the strawberry mask to your hair.
- Once your hair is fully covered in the mask, leave it on for about 15 minutes.
- Wash the mask off with cool water and a mild, sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
8. Honey Hair Spa Treatment
Honey is an excellent emollient (8). It helps bind moisture to your hair shafts. This treatment will leave your hair feeling extremely manageable while adding shine. Research shows that honey can help reduce severe dandruff and chronic seborrheic dermatitis (12).
You Will Need
- ¼ cup honey
- Towel
Prep Time
2 minutes
Treatment Time
20 minutes
- Wash your hair with warm water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
- Squeeze the excess water out of your hair using a towel.
- Take a quarter cup of honey and start working it into your damp hair.
- Once your hair is completely covered in honey, wait for about 15 minutes.
- Proceed to rinse your hair with cool water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once every two weeks.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Treatment
Apple cider vinegar helps reduce dandruff (1). It can soothe an irritated scalp, helps balance your scalp’s pH levels, and seal your hair’s cuticles, leaving you with healthy, silky, and shiny hair. This is an excellent treatment for all hair types.
You Will Need
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup water
- Spray bottle
- Towel
Prep Time
2 minutes
Treatment Time
5 minutes
- Wash your hair with lukewarm water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo. Follow up with conditioner.
- Once you are done washing your hair, squeeze the excess water out of your hair with a towel.
- In a spray bottle, dilute two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water.
- Spray this mixture on your hair until it is completely saturated.
- Wait with the diluted apple cider vinegar in your hair for about 5 minutes.
- Rinse the apple cider vinegar out with cool water and let your hair air-dry.
How Often?
Once every two weeks.
10. Beer Hair Treatment
Anecdotal evidence suggests that beer helps impart shine and volume to hair. Many also claim that beer can be used to condition hair.
You Will Need
1 pint of flat beer
Prep Time
Treatment Time
5 minutes
- Open a pint of beer and leave it overnight so that it goes flat.
- Wash your hair in the morning with a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
- Instead of conditioner, pour the flat beer through your hair and massage for a couple of minutes.
- Rinse with cool water.
- Let your hair air-dry.
How Often?
Once every two weeks.
11. Cucumber Hair Spa Treatment
Cucumbers can help promote hair growth (13). They also soothe the scalp and relieve itching and irritation. This treatment works well for all hair types.
You Will Need
- ½ cucumber
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
5 minutes
Treatment Time
25 minutes
- Chop the cucumber into small pieces and blend with the olive oil to get a fine paste. Set this aside.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the cucumber mask to your hair.
- Once your hair is fully covered in the mask, leave it on for about 15 minutes.
- After 15 minutes, wash your hair with cool water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
12. Egg And Olive Oil Hair Spa Treatment For Dry Hair
While the egg nourishes your hair, the olive oil and honey in the pack work together to condition dry hair and repair damage (1). This treatment works well for all hair types.
You Will Need
- 1 whole egg
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 teaspoon honey
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
2 minutes
Treatment Time
30 minutes
- Whisk the ingredients together until you get a well-combined mixture. Set this aside.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the egg and olive oil mask to your hair.
- Leave the mixture in your hair for about 20 minutes.
- Wash off with cool water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
13. Henna Hair Spa Treatment For Dandruff
Apart from enhancing hair color, henna also helps balance the pH level of hair (14). It also helps prevent hair fall and keeps dandruff at bay.
You Will Need
- 2 tablespoons henna powder
- 2 teaspoons amla powder
- 2 teaspoons shikakai powder
- 2 teaspoons reetha powder
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
2 minutes
Treatment Time
1 hour and 10 minutes
- Combine the ingredients in a bowl and set the mixture aside.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the henna mask to your hair.
- Leave it on for about an hour and then wash your hair with cool water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once every two weeks.
14. Aloe Vera Hair Spa Treatment For Oily Hair
Aloe vera helps reduce dandruff (15). Use it continuously to stimulate hair growth. Lemon helps cleanse the scalp.
You Will Need
- ¼ cup fresh aloe vera gel
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
2 minutes
Treatment Time
30 minutes
- Combine the ingredients until you get a smooth paste. Set this aside.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the aloe vera mask to your hair.
- Leave the mask on for about 15-20 minutes.
- Wash your hair with cool water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
15. Avocado And Curd Hair Spa Treatment For Damaged Hair
Avocado helps rejuvenate dry hair and makes it shiny. Curd conditions hair and helps eliminate dandruff (16).
You Will Need
- 1 ripe avocado
- 2 tablespoons curd
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
5 minutes
Treatment Time
40 minutes
- Pit and mash the avocado until it is completely free of lumps and add the curd to it. Mix well and set aside.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the avocado mask to your hair.
- Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes and then proceed to wash your hair with cool water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
16. Fenugreek Hair Spa Treatment For Dull Hair
Fenugreek can stimulate hair growth (17). It also nourishes hair (18). Honey and curd can condition your hair and eliminate dandruff. This hair mask helps add volume, prevent dandruff, calm excessive oil production, and leave your hair feeling silky and shiny.
You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 tablespoon soaked fenugreek seeds
- 3 tablespoons curd
- A pot of hot boiled water for steam
- Towel
Prep Time
Overnight + 5 minutes
Treatment Time
40 minutes
- Soak fenugreek seeds in water and leave it overnight.
- In the morning, grind the fenugreek seeds to a fine paste and add the curd and honey to it. Mix well and set aside.
- Steam your hair for about 10 minutes. Do this by placing a lidded pot of hot water on the table. Bend over the pot and cover your hair and the pot with a towel.
- Remove the lid and let the steam settle in your hair.
- After 10 minutes, stop the steam treatment and apply the fenugreek mask to your hair.
- Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes.
- Proceed to wash your hair with cool water and a mild sulfate-free shampoo.
How Often?
Once a week.
Discussed below are the benefits of a hair spa treatment.
Benefits Of A Hair Spa Treatment
1. Deep Conditioning
Hair spa treatments can be extremely conditioning, depending on what ingredients you use. They help make your follicles stronger while deeply nourishing the roots of your hair, ensuring healthy hair growth. They help hydrate your scalp and hair shaft, preventing dryness. They also help remove residual dirt and build-up, making your hair smoother and lustrous.
2. Eliminates Dandruff
Using ingredients like henna and lemon in your hair spa treatment can help in getting rid of dandruff. These ingredients help unclog your pores while also nourishing your scalp and hair.
3. Gives You Thick And Healthy Hair
Hair spa treatments help rejuvenate your hair, giving you a clean slate to work with. They reverse damage and help your hair grow at an optimum pace. This helps thicken your hair and keep it healthy.
4. Prevents Scalp Aging
Finding grays and experiencing hair loss are inevitable and come with age. However, the pollution and stress of our daily lives can speed up these processes and age your scalp prematurely. Hair spa treatments help counter this by providing your hair and scalp with the nutrition they need to stay youthful and healthy.
5. Provides Relief From Mental Stress
The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word spa is a relaxing portrait of some much-needed self-care. Hair spa treatments help you unwind and boost your self-esteem because of the extra attention that you are paying to yourself. This goes a long way when it comes to countering stress.
6. Prevents Dull And Frizzy Hair
Healthy hair shines with life, and hair spa treatments are one of the best ways to achieve healthy hair. They help control frizz and make your hair super manageable.
7. Maintains Scalp Health
Your scalp needs to stay nourished to remain healthy. Hair spa treatments provide your scalp with the right nourishment, allowing your follicles to produce healthy hair.
8. Normalizes Oil Secretion
Pollution and the use of products can mess with the oil balance of your scalp. Hair spa treatments help soothe your sebaceous glands, helping them produce the right amounts of oil to keep your hair nourished and protected.
9. Removes Impurities
The constant contact your hair has with pollution and hair products causes impurities to settle in your follicles and hair cuticles. Hair spas help remove these impurities so that your hair is more receptive to nutritive treatments.
10. Nourishes Hair
Mientras que los tratamientos de spa para el cabello ayudan a acondicionar el cabello por un lado, también ayudan a nutrirlo por el otro. Si bien es de suma importancia que consuma los nutrientes adecuados para mantener su cabello saludable, los tratamientos de spa para el cabello le dan a su cabello el impulso que necesita para reflejar esa salud con un brillo lustroso.
Puede darse un capricho (y su cabello) en la comodidad de su hogar con estos tratamientos de spa capilar. Una buena rutina de cuidado del cabello y un poco de tiempo extra es todo lo que necesitas para que tus mechones luzcan lo mejor posible.
18 fuentes
Stylecraze tiene pautas de abastecimiento estrictas y se basa en estudios revisados por pares, instituciones de investigación académica y asociaciones médicas. Evitamos el uso de referencias terciarias. Puede obtener más información sobre cómo nos aseguramos de que nuestro contenido sea preciso y actualizado leyendo nuestra política editorial.- Zaid, Abdel Naser et al. “Ethnopharmacological survey of home remedies used for treatment of hair and scalp and their methods of preparation in the West Bank-Palestine.” BMC complementary and alternative medicine vol. 17,1 355.
- Dreher, Mark L., and Adrienne J. Davenport. “Hass avocado composition and potential health effects.” Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 53.7 (2013): 738-750.
- Oshimura, Eiko et al. “Hair and amino acids: the interactions and the effects.” Journal of cosmetic science vol. 58,4 (2007): 347-57.
- Réhault-Godbert, Sophie et al. “The Golden Egg: Nutritional Value, Bioactivities, and Emerging Benefits for Human Health.” Nutrients vol. 11,3 684.
- Nakamura, Toshio et al. “Naturally Occurring Hair Growth Peptide: Water-Soluble Chicken Egg Yolk Peptides Stimulate Hair Growth Through Induction of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Production.” Journal of medicinal food vol. 21,7 (2018): 701-708.
- K.P., Sampath Kumar, et al. “Traditional and Medicinal Uses of Banana.” Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry . Vol 1, 3 (2012).
- Gavazzoni Dias, Maria Fernanda Reis. “Hair cosmetics: an overview.” International journal of trichology vol. 7,1 (2015): 2-15.
- Burlando, Bruno, and Laura Cornara. “Honey in dermatology and skin care: a review.” Journal of cosmetic dermatology vol. 12,4 (2013): 306-13.
- Lima, Renan da Silva, and Jane Mara Block. “Coconut oil: what do we really know about it so far?.” Food Quality and Safety 3.2 (2019): 61-72.
- Rele, Aarti S, and R B Mohile. “Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage.” Journal of cosmetic science vol. 54,2 (2003): 175-92.
- Hannum, Sandra M. “Potential impact of strawberries on human health: a review of the science.” Critical reviews in food science and nutrition vol. 44,1 (2004): 1-17.
- Al-Waili, N S. “Therapeutic and prophylactic effects of crude honey on chronic seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.” European journal of medical research vol. 6,7 (2001): 306-8.
- Shrivastava, Anu, and Shikha Roy. “Cucurbitaceae: A Ethnomedicinally Important Vegetable Family.” Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies , 2013. Vol 1,4: 16-20.
- Saxena Pal, Rashmi & Pal, Yogendra & Awani, Rai & Wal, Pranay & Wal, Ankita. (2018). Synthesis and Evaluation of Herbal Based Hair Dye. The Open Dermatology Journal. 12. 90-98. 10.2174/1874372201812010090.
- Da Vardy, Ad Cohen, T Tchetov, E Medvedovsky & A Biton (1999) A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of an Aloe vera (A. barbadensis) emulsion in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, Journal of Dermatological Treatment , 10:1, 7-11.
- Parle, Milind, and Jyoti Malik. “Curd: A Sedative With A Bonus Bowl Of Useful Side Effects.” International Research Journal Of Pharmacy , 2014.
- Imtiaz, Fariha & Islam, Muhammad & Saeed, Hamid & Saleem, Bushra & Asghar, Maryam & Saleem, Zikria. (2017). Impact of Trigonella foenum-graecum Leaves Extract on Mice Hair Growth. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 49. 1405-1412. graecum_Leaves_Extract_on_Mice_Hair_Growth
- C, Suryawanshi & M., Vijayendra & N., Nagoba & V., Wanje. (2019). Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Hair Gel Containing Fenugreek Seed Extract for Nourishment and Hair Growth. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology. 92-103.