Tabla de contenido:
- Beneficios del aloe vera para el cabello
- ¿Qué dice la ciencia?
- Cómo utilizar el aloe vera para el crecimiento del cabello
- 1. Aceite de ricino y aloe vera para el crecimiento del cabello
- Necesitará
- Tiempo de preparación
- Tiempo de procesamiento
- Proceso
- ¿Con qué frecuencia?
- 2. Miel y aloe vera para el crecimiento del cabello
- Necesitará
- Tiempo de preparación
- Tiempo de procesamiento
- Proceso
- How Often?
- 3. Egg And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 4. Onion And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 5. Coconut Milk And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 6. Hibiscus And Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 7. Lemon And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 8. Henna And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 9. Aloe Vera And Vitamin E For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 10. Apple Cider Vinegar And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 11. Baking Soda And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 12. Shea Butter And Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 13. Cayenne Pepper And Aloe Vera For Hair
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 14. Fenugreek And Aloe Vera For Hair
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- How Often?
- 15. Green Tea And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
- You Will Need
- Prep Time
- Processing Time
- Process
- ¿Con qué frecuencia?
- 27 fuentes
El aloe vera es conocido por darle una piel radiante, pero sus beneficios no terminan ahí. También puede estimular el crecimiento del cabello. El aloe vera contiene un gran depósito de aminoácidos y enzimas proteolíticas (1). Estos nutrientes ayudan a mejorar la salud del cuero cabelludo y estimulan el crecimiento del cabello. En este artículo, veremos los beneficios del aloe vera para el crecimiento del cabello y cómo puede usarlo. Desplácese hacia abajo para obtener más información.
Beneficios del aloe vera para el cabello
El aloe vera puede ayudar de las siguientes maneras:
- Puede estimular el crecimiento del cabello.
- Hace que el cabello sea lustroso y brillante.
- Rejuvenece el cabello seco y dañado.
- Puede prevenir la caspa.
- Puede ayudar a contener el frizz.
- Mejora la salud del cuero cabelludo ya que equilibra los niveles de pH.
¿Qué dice la ciencia?
- El aloe vera contiene enzimas proteolíticas que ayudan a reparar la piel. También tiene propiedades antiinflamatorias (1). Puede ayudar a aliviar el cuero cabelludo de irritaciones, enrojecimiento, hematomas y cicatrices y reparar las células dañadas en el cuero cabelludo.
- El aloe vera tiene propiedades antisépticas y antibacterianas (2). Es absorbido por el cabello y lo protege de las infecciones del cuero cabelludo.
- El aloe vera contiene minerales, vitaminas, lípidos y aminoácidos (1). Estos son necesarios para estimular el crecimiento del cabello y mantenerlo sano.
- El aloe vera tiene propiedades antifúngicas y puede ayudar a reducir la caspa y la picazón del cuero cabelludo (3), (4).
- El aloe vera tiene la capacidad de aumentar la circulación sanguínea en el área aplicada (3). Por lo tanto, puede ayudar a estimular la circulación sanguínea en el cuero cabelludo, promoviendo el crecimiento del cabello.
- El aloe vera tiene propiedades hidratantes (1). Puede ayudar a calmar el cuero cabelludo y el cabello y nutrirlos.
- El aloe vera se usa a menudo en champús como agente limpiador y espesante (5).
- También reduce la caída y caída del cabello (5).
Ahora que conocemos los beneficios del aloe vera para el cabello, veamos cómo usarlo.
Nota: muchos de estos remedios implican el uso de gel de aloe vera fresco. Puede cortar una hoja de aloe vera y sacar el gel con una cuchara. Eche el gel obtenido en un procesador de alimentos para obtener una consistencia uniforme.
Cómo utilizar el aloe vera para el crecimiento del cabello
1. Aceite de ricino y aloe vera para el crecimiento del cabello
Se ha demostrado que el aceite de ricino reduce el daño del cabello y las puntas abiertas, la caída del cabello y la caspa y acondiciona el cabello (6). También mejora el brillo del cabello (7). Mientras que el aloe vera hidrata tu cabello, el aceite de ricino lo protege del daño. Este tratamiento de aloe vera ayuda a estimular el crecimiento del cabello y ayuda a nutrir y acondicionar los mechones de cabello, evitando que se rompan y las puntas abiertas.
Nota: Se ha demostrado que el aceite de ricino produce fieltro en el cabello. Es recomendable utilizar aceite de ricino con otro aceite y en la cantidad necesaria para evitarlo.
- 1 taza de gel de aloe vera fresco
- 2 cucharadas de aceite de ricino
- 2 cucharadas de fenogreco en polvo
- Gorro de ducha
- Toalla
Tiempo de preparación
5 minutos
Tiempo de procesamiento
Durante la noche
- Mezclar todos los ingredientes en un bol hasta obtener una pasta suave y consistente.
- Aplica esta mezcla en tu cuero cabelludo y cabello. Asegúrese de concentrarse más en las raíces y las puntas.
- Cubre tu cabello con un gorro de ducha.
- Vete a la cama con la mezcla puesta. Puede envolver el gorro de ducha con una toalla para darle más calor y evitar que se mueva.
- Por la mañana, lave la mezcla con agua fría y champú. Termina con acondicionador.
¿Con qué frecuencia?
1-2 veces por semana.
2. Miel y aloe vera para el crecimiento del cabello
La miel y el aloe vera son emolientes (8). La miel también ha demostrado ayudar a reducir la caspa (9). Esta combinación acondicionadora, combinada con aceite de coco, sellará la humedad en los tallos de tu cabello. Dado que el aceite de coco puede penetrar en el tallo del cabello, esta mascarilla nutre y fortalece el cabello desde adentro (10).
- 5 cucharadas de gel de aloe vera
- 3 cucharadas de aceite de coco
- 2 cucharadas de miel
- Gorro de ducha
Tiempo de preparación
5 minutos
Tiempo de procesamiento
25 minutos
- Combina todos los ingredientes en un bol hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea.
- Massage this mixture into your scalp and work it down to the tips of your hair. Focus on the tips, as these are the most damaged parts of your hair.
- Once all of your hair is covered in the mixture, throw a shower cap on and wait for about 25 minutes.
- Wash your hair with cool water and shampoo. Finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
3. Egg And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
The use of everyday styling tools depletes your hair of proteins. Egg yolk contains a naturally-occurring peptide that aids hair growth (11). In combination with olive oil and aloe vera, it helps nourish your hair and boost the rate at which your hair is growing.
You Will Need
- 4 tablespoons fresh aloe vera gel
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 egg yolk
- Shower cap
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
25 minutes
- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth and consistent paste.
- Apply this mixture to your scalp and hair. Focus on the roots and tips.
- Once your hair is fully covered in the mixture, cover it with a shower cap.
- Wait with the mixture on for about 20- 25 minutes.
- Wash the mixture out with cool water and shampoo. You do not want to use warm water at this point because it will cook the egg in the mixture.
- Finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
4. Onion And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
Onion juice is an excellent hair growth ingredient that stimulates your scalp and the dormant follicles on it (12). It helps curb hair fall and promote hair regrowth.
Note: Use only the required amount of onion juice as too much of it may irritate your skin and scalp.
You Will Need
- 1 cup onion juice
- 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
Prep Time
10 minutes
Processing Time
1 hour
- Blend 3-4 large onions to a puree in a blender. Use a cheesecloth to extract the juice.
- Add the aloe vera gel to the juice and mix well.
- Massage this mixture into your scalp and work it through your hair until it is saturated with the liquid.
- Leave it on for about an hour.
- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
5. Coconut Milk And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
Coconut and its extracts have good conditioning properties that help maintain the health of your hair (6). They can penetrate the hair shaft and reduce the protein loss of hair (10). It is also an excellent repository of nutrients that help nourish your scalp and hair.
You Will Need
- 4 tablespoons aloe vera gel
- 4 tablespoons coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
30 minutes
- Combine the ingredients until you get a smooth mixture.
- Massage this mixture into your scalp and work it through your hair until your hair is saturated with the liquid.
- Leave it on for about half an hour.
- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
6. Hibiscus And Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Growth
Hibiscus is popularly used to enhance hair color (6). It can also reduce dandruff and stimulate hair growth (13), (14), (15). When used in combination with aloe vera gel, it helps boost hair growth while maintaining hair texture.
You Will Need
- 2 tablespoons hibiscus flower paste
- 1 cup aloe vera gel
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
45 minutes
- Combine the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Massage this mixture into your scalp and work it through your hair until it is saturated with the liquid.
- Leave it on for about half an hour and then proceed to rinse your hair.
- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
7. Lemon And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for the synthesis of collagen (16). Lemon juice also helps maintain the health of your scalp by maintaining optimum pH levels.
You Will Need
- 2 tablespoons fresh aloe vera gel
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
20 minutes
- Combine the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Massage this mixture into your scalp for a couple of minutes and then work it through your hair.
- Leave it on for about 20 minutes.
- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
8. Henna And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
Apart from enhancing hair color, henna can reduce hair loss and boost scalp health (17). It balances oil production and pH level of the scalp (18). Henna can help reduce split ends, hair loss, and hair damage (6). Using this mixture will not only boost hair growth but also add a tint of red to your hair while covering grays.
You Will Need
- 2 cups fresh henna leaves
- 2 tablespoons yogurt
- 1 tablespoon fresh aloe vera gel
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
Prep Time
2 hours+ 5 minutes
Processing Time
45 minutes- 2 hours.
- Soak the henna leaves for about 2 hours before you plan on using the hair mask.
- Blend the leaves and add the rest of the ingredients to it. Mix well.
- Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Focus on the roots and the tips of your hair.
- Once your hair is completely covered in the mixture, wait with it on for about 45 minutes. Alternatively, you can leave the mixture on for a couple of hours.
- Wash your hair with cool water and shampoo.
- Finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once in two weeks.
9. Aloe Vera And Vitamin E For Hair Growth
Vitamin E contains tocotrienol, which relieves oxidative stress and reduces hair loss (19). This helps keep your hair healthy, stretching the time between trims so that you attain your desired hair length faster.
You Will Need
- 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
- 2 tablespoons almond oil
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
20 minutes
- Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Massage this mixture into your scalp for a couple of minutes and then work it through your hair.
- Leave it on for about 20 minutes. Proceed to rinse your hair.
- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties (20). This mask can improve the health of your scalp by dealing with issues like dandruff and scalp irritation. It ensures that your follicles remain healthy to boost hair growth.
You Will Need
- 1 cup fresh aloe vera gel
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon honey
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
15 minutes
- Combine the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Massage this mixture into your scalp for a couple of minutes and then work it through your hair.
- Leave it on for about 15 minutes.
- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once in two weeks.
11. Baking Soda And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
You will come across many blogs and bloggers swearing by the scalp cleansing abilities of baking soda. Baking soda can help maintain pH balance and clean the scalp. However, there are no scientific studies to prove these effects.
You Will Need
- 4 tablespoons aloe vera gel
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoons baking soda
- 1 tablespoon coconut milk
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
10 minutes
- Combine the aloe vera, coconut milk, and honey in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Rinse your hair with water and use this mixture as a shampoo replacement. Leave it on for a few minutes longer than you would a shampoo.
- Rinse it out with water.
- Add about a tablespoon of water to the baking soda and use the mixture to scrub your scalp gently. This will help get rid of any grease.
- Rinse your hair clean with cool water.
How Often?
Once a week as a shampoo replacement.
12. Shea Butter And Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Growth
Shea butter is an emollient with anti-inflammatory properties (21). In combination with aloe vera gel, it helps cleanse the scalp and keep away fungal infections.
You Will Need
- 1/2 cup raw shea butter
- 2 tablespoons fresh aloe vera gel
- 1 tablespoon apricot oil
- 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil
- 5 drops lavender essential oil
- 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E oil
Prep Time
15 minutes
Processing Time
30 minutes
- Melt the shea butter in a double boiler and let it cool.
- Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
- Take about 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture in a bowl (you can store the rest in a jar for later use).
- Massage your scalp and hair with this blend and leave it on for about 30 minutes.
- Wash your hair with cool water and mild shampoo. Finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
13. Cayenne Pepper And Aloe Vera For Hair
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which was found to help stimulate hair growth (22), (23). Massaging your scalp with this combination can improve blood circulation, which improves hair thickness.
You Will Need
- 1/2 cup fresh aloe vera gel
- 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
10 minutes
- Combine the ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Massage a tablespoon of the mixture into your scalp. You can store the rest in a jar to be used later.
- Leave it on for about 10 minutes.
- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
14. Fenugreek And Aloe Vera For Hair
Animal studies show that fenugreek seeds can aid hair growth (24), (25). It can also rejuvenate split ends and reduce dandruff. This combination not only cleanses your hair but also nourishes it.
You Will Need
- 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds
- 2 tablespoons fresh aloe vera gel
Prep Time
8 hours + 5 minutes
Processing Time
30 minutes-3 hours
- Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight.
- In the morning, grind them to a fine paste and mix with the aloe vera gel.
- Apply this mixture to your hair and scalp and leave it on for about 30 minutes.
- Wash your hair with cool water and a mild shampoo.
- Finish with conditioner.
How Often?
Once a week.
15. Green Tea And Aloe Vera For Hair Growth
Green tea helps in reducing excess sebum production (26). It contains EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), which can help promote hair growth (27).
You Will Need
- 1/2 cup freshly brewed green tea
- 1/2 cup fresh aloe vera gel
Prep Time
10 minutes
Processing Time
10 minutes
- Throw the ingredients into a blender and blend well. Ensure that there are no lumps.
- Masajea la mezcla en tu cuero cabelludo y aplícala a lo largo de tu cabello. Asegúrese de que su cabello esté completamente saturado en la mezcla.
- Deje la mezcla durante unos 10 minutos y luego enjuague con agua fría.
- Acondiciona tu cabello y déjalo secar al aire.
¿Con qué frecuencia?
Una vez a la semana como recambio de champú.
Como dice el refrán, la paciencia es la madre de todas las virtudes. Aunque le tomará tiempo hacer crecer su cabello, estas mascarillas de aloe vera seguramente lo acelerarán. Siga usando estas mascarillas para el cabello para ver resultados durante un período.
27 fuentes
Stylecraze tiene pautas de abastecimiento estrictas y se basa en estudios revisados por pares, instituciones de investigación académica y asociaciones médicas. Evitamos el uso de referencias terciarias. Puede obtener más información sobre cómo nos aseguramos de que nuestro contenido sea preciso y actualizado leyendo nuestra política editorial.- Surjushe, Amar et al. “Aloe vera: a short review.” Indian journal of dermatology 53,4 (2008): 163-6.
- Kumar, KP Sampath, and Bhowmik Debjit. “Aloe vera: a potential herb and its medicinal importance.” Journal of chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 1 (2010): 21-29.
- Lawrence, Rubina et al. “Isolation, Purification and Evaluation of Antibacterial Agents from Aloe vera.” Brazilian journal of microbiology: 40,4 (2009): 906-15.
- Vardy, D. A., et al. “A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of an Aloe vera (A. barbadensis) emulsion in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.” Journal of dermatological treatment 1 (1999): 7-11.
- García, Mario Hernández, José Adrián Trevera Juárez, and Acela Dávila Jiménez. “Importance and Properties of Aloe vera in the Production of Hair Shampoo.” The Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences 5 (2019): 18-23.
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